The disadvantages of using computers

What are Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Computers?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Computer

Nowadays the computer is becoming a tool that can help us in a lot of our works. In the era of high activity levels and the age of very sophisticated technology improvement which sparks demands to work quickly and accurately to all people, computer is really useful for almost everyone in the world, whether it directly or indirectly. Below will be described Advantages and disadvantages of using the computer as a tool.

Advantages of Using Computer:

  • Computer never tired (maybe if it’s too hot to be damaged),
  • Having a high speed and accuracy in working out its functions,
  • Having a compact storage media and large capacity,
  • Able to process large amounts of data and,
  • It can open new job opportunities as a computer expert.

Disadvantages of using Computer:

  • Humans are increasingly dependent with the help of computers,
  • Reduced labor due to work being replaced by computers,
  • Computers do the work in accordance with the human command, if there are errors, computer still working on these errors.
The benefits of using computers

The purpose of this posting is to sensitize you to not only see from the advantages of using a computer. But you also have to notice the negative effects of using computers in our daily life. The negative side you can avoid if you try to train yourself to know the formula of how the computer does your works, at less you know the way to finish your work without computer even you are still need the computer to do the jobs. So that you do not always depend on the computer, and you have the knowledge in how to do you work without computer.

With over the development of information technology, the advantages of computers in various fields are infinitely. Thus, the education now take an opportunity from those advantages to educate students to develop their creativity in using computers, which will be very useful to human life in various fields. This is an advantage of using computers in education. Look for advantages of computers for education.