How to choose hosting

Which is better, shared hosting or dedicated server?

During the placement of a site or a certain system on the Internet, the owner will have to choose an option for placement. It could be:

  1. Shared hosting.
  2. Physical server.
  3. Virtual server.
  4. Business hosting.

Each of the services has its own characteristics and strengths that you need to understand and make the right choice.

Shared hosting

If we are talking about the simplest portal with a minimum amount of information, then this option is suitable. In addition, the cost will be as affordable as possible. Large capacities are not needed, even if there are several sites on one server. All computing power will simply be divided.

The downside here is that there are neighbors, and there is a direct dependence on them. Each site has a specific resource. But if a neighbor’s site is attacked, then everyone will face the consequences.

Business hosting

This is a model that does not have the disadvantage of classic hosting. As for distribution mechanisms, everything is similar to VPS, and everyone can find the right solution for themselves on the site But here the question of price is much more pleasant. And if there are no special requirements for the site, then you can use this particular offer.

What to choose hosting or virtual server

Dedicated server

For example, tens of thousands of people visit the portal every day, there is a huge database and a lot of requests. Then a dedicated server is required, hosting will not pull it all.

Here it is worth considering both VPS and a physical server. In the first case, the price will be lower. But first, it’s worth exploring all the differences:

  1. The owner of the physical server controls all processes completely. The specialist gets full access to the data center in order to carry out configuration and maintenance. This improves data security.
  2. VPS is notable for its flexibility. For example, you need to add or remove RAM. All this is available almost in real time.
  3. On a physical server, there are no bottlenecks in the operation of the OS, but this can be the case with a virtual server.
  4. VPS is not tied to hardware. And if the situation requires it, then you can create a copy and transfer it either to another server, or even to hosting.

What will be better?

In fact, needs play a huge role. If there are no resource requirements, then you should choose the simplest and most affordable solution. But again, remembering the dependence on neighbors, you should pay attention to business hosting, which also has an affordable price.

With a large number of visitors and increased security requirements, you should pay attention to a dedicated server. But it will be a virtual space or a physical server, the owner decides based on aspects of the activity.